
The mission of AASD is to ensure students with disabilities have an opportunity to receive appropriate special education services in the least restrictive environment. AASD’s mission will primarily be accomplished by providing individual advocacy services at Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings.


AASD’s Priorities consist of the following:

  • Testing/Evaluations: The rights of students with disabilities to appropriate testing/evaluations to determine eligibility for special education and related services will be protected and advanced;

  • Special Education and Related Services: The rights of students with disabilities to appropriate specially designed instruction and related services to meet their unique needs will be protected and advanced;

  • Special Considerations: The rights of students with disabilities to appropriate special considerations including, but not limited to, communication, assistive technology, and behavioral interventions will be protected and advanced;

  • Discipline: The rights of students with disabilities to appropriate behavioral supports to address manifestations of their disabilities and to be free of inappropriate and/or unlawful youth court referrals will be protected and advanced;

  • Individual Transition Plans: The rights of students with disabilities to effective school and community-based transition services will be protected and advanced;

  • Placement Considerations/Least Restrictive Environment Determinations: The rights of students with disabilities to have their IEPs implemented in the Least Restrictive Environment and to ensure inclusion to the maximum extent appropriate will be protected and advanced.